A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 1st July 2024 in the Jubilee Room of the village hall.
Present: Cllrs A Pache (Chair), P Cutter, Ms Keetley, Mrs Guest, Ms Keetley and D Tapper
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
24/07/01 Chairman’s remarks
Welcome to the meeting. Pleased to see that the grass cutting and village maintenance are being better received by the Council.
24/07/02 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
None received
24/07/03 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
None declared
24/07/04 Notes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd June 2024 to be approved and signed as minutes
Proposed Cllr Ms Kettley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2024.
24/07/05 Notes of the meeting held on Monday 24th June 2024 to be approved and signed as minutes
Proposed Cllr Ms Kettley, seconded Cllr Ms Guest and agreed by all to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2024.
24/07/06 Accounts and Finance
a) To discuss and decide upon the purchase of 2 A Frames for advertising Parish Council events
Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to purchase 2 A frames for advertising Parish Council events at a cost of £69.98. The Clerk will purchase these using the Parish Council debit card.
b) To receive the Internal Audit comments and take any necessary action
This was circulated to Councillors prior the meeting, The Clerk will carry out any matters arising.
c) To approve the payment of accounts
Proposed Cllr Ms Guest, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to make the following payments:-
24/07/07 Parish Council Building and Assets:-
a. To approve a quote for the installation of a new play area on Honeyholes Lane
Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to accept a quote from Wicksteed for the cost of £
b. To receive and decide upon quotes to undertake the annual play area inspections and to receive an update on the current maintenance agreed
Proposed Cllr Cutter, seconded Cllr Ms Guest and agreed by all to approve the quote from RoSPA to carry out the annual play area inspections. This is at a cost of £78 per play area.
A list of priorities has been put together to ensure that the maintenance required is carried out as required.
The maintenance due to the flooring is due to carried out in the next couple of weeks.
A quote from AKO was approved for £100 to repair the fencing/gate at Kennington Close.
Cable ties will be purchased to help prevent birds sitting on the top.
The football goal in Kennington Close will be sanded and painted.
c. To receive an update on the village hall and Bowls Club progress, including a proposal to compile and circulate a Community Survey for the future use of the area and buildings
Proposed Cllr Cutter, seconded Cllr Ms Guest and agreed by all to approve the following payments for the Community survey.
1500 leaflets - £612
Banner - £88.32
Poster - £34.36
A further reserved amount of £500 was agreed on top of the above for further marketing materials.
24/07/08 To discuss and submit comments to WLDC regarding planning applications received:-
Hill House, 9 Ryland Road - Planning application for first floor front extension, two storey side extension, porch including internal layout alterations and detached garage – No comments to make
24/07/09 To receive an update regarding promoting sustainability and recycling within the village
The clothes bank is now up and running and payments made for the clothes donated will be made monthly in arrears.
The recycling collection points are well used, apart from the pens and markers collection.
A draft sustainability policy will be circulated prior to approval at next months meeting.
24/07/10 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding promoting materials for an event on 4th July
No action is required on this.
24/07/11 To discuss and decide upon a process for working group meetings and decision making
Proposed Cllr Ms Guest, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all not to form committees with official agendas and minutes. If working group meetings are held between full council meetings, reports will be submitted to the Clerk to circulate with the full council meeting paperwork. All decisions will be made at Full Council meetings.
24/07/12 To discuss the “Lincolnshire Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Transformation” scheme - (NHS)working with "Bridge "a community organisation
Proposed Cllr Guest, seconded Cllr Ms Keetley and agreed by all to assist the Lincolnshire Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Transformation scheme. Further information will be provided when available. Cllr Ms Keetley agreed to lead on the project, a working group of Ms Keetley, Tapper and Cutter was arranged.
24/07/13 To agree on representation of Councillors at the LALC Summer Conference
Proposed Cllr Ms Guest, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to approve payment for £80 for the attendance of Cllrs Pache and Ms Keetley at the Summer Conference.
24/07/14 Village Maintenance
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village
- Merleswen, corner of The Granthams – hedge on the corner needs cutting back to boundary.
- Morris Close – Buddleia needs cutting back – contact LCC
- Weeds in kerbs – contact LCC to see if they are still undertaking this task
- Paynell – the trees are in need of maintenance and cutting back.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the sports units
Work is needed to the plasterboard/ Fibreglass. Quotes will be discussed at the next meeting.
24/07/15 To agree to close the meeting to Press and Public
Proposed Cllr Ms Guest, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to close the meeting to press and public to discuss lease matters.
24/07/16 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the DDIBC lease
No further update