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2023 October

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place  on Monday 2nd October 2023 at 7:30pm in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.

Present:                Cllrs Pache (Chair), Mrs Forrester, Ms Keetley and Seal


Clerk:                    Mrs L Richardson


23/10/01              Chairman’s remarks

The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported that there has been an increase in the amount of complaints received regarding overgrown shrubbery and hedges. 


23/10/02              To receive apologies and reasons for absence

Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllrs Bilton and Plowman.


23/10/03              Disclosure of pecuniary interests



23/10/04              Notes of the Council Meeting held on 7th August 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the notes of the meeting held on 7th August 203 and sign as official minutes.


23/10/05              Notes of the Council Meeting held on 4th September 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the notes of the meeting held on 4th September 203 and sign as official minutes.


23/10/06              Accounts and Finance

To note the conclusion of the external audit for the year ended 31st March 2023

The Clerk advised the Council that the annual audit had been signed off by the External auditor with a recommendation to ensure that all official Council documents are published on the website.  The Clerk confirmed that the audit closure notice had been published on the website and on the Parish Council noticeboard.

To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Planning Funding

The acceptance of offer have been received.

To agree to purchase a Remembrance Wreath and attendance at the Remembrance Service

Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to purchase a “All the Poppies” wreath at a cost of £25.

To approve the payment of accounts

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to make the following payments:-


Lindum Fire Village Hall Fire Alarm System   1403.86 233.98 1169.88  
Playsafety Ltd Annual playarea inspection   243.00 40.50 202.50  
Welton Parish Council Play area inspections and speed signs   90.00 15.00 75.00  
Microsoft Email and Website Fees   75.48 12.58 62.90  
Mrs B Edwards Litterpicker Salary   265.72 0.00 265.72  
Mrs L Richardson Clerks Salary   835.09 0.00 835.09  
Amazon Printer Ink   59.98 0.00 59.98  
Amazon Christmas Fayre Accessories   18.18 0.00 18.18  
Quickbooks Accounts Software   33.60 5.60 28.00  
HMRC PAYE Tax and NI   521.11 0.00 521.11  
The Poppy Shop Rememberance Wreath   28.99 0.00 28.99  
Glendale Grass Cutting   429.60 0.00 429.60  
EE Broadband and Mobile phone DD 56.28 9.38 46.90  
Natwest Charges   4.55 0.00 4.55  


23/10/06              Parish Council Building and Assets

To receive an update on the proposed new play area on Honeyholes Lane.

The working group are awaiting the final feedback forms to be returned and will then finalise the analysis and decide which equipment should be included on the new play area.

To receive update regarding installation of weatherproof electrical sockets V/hall roof

Cllr Pache advised the Council that we are awaiting the Contractor to undertake the required works.

To receive an update regarding maintenance taking place at the Village Hall / DDIBC site

Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to accept a quote to replace the village hall doors and look into a different way to have keys avaioable for bookings of the hall.


23/10/07              To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Christmas event, including the live advent calendar and the Christmas Market

Cllr Mrs Keetley advised the Council of the below:-

  • She will take over arranging the live advent calendar in the village to try a new way of working.
  • Cllr Pache will attend Fillingham Christmas Trees to choose the village tree
  • She will liaise with the Co Op to see if a donation of mince pies is available this year

Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all:-

  • Agreed by all that a budget of £50 will be set to purchase gifts for a Parish Council lucky dip stall.
  • It was asked if part of the money raised could be used as funding toward the new play area.
  • Cllr Seal will look into the purchase of a PA system for this and future events


23/10/08              Village Maintenance

To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village

  • It was reported that the dog waste bin on Merleswen has now been installed.
  • Cllr Pache requested a new dog waste bin be installed on Ashing Lane junction as the one in place has a rusted and broken lid.
  • A quote of £275 was agreed to cut back the vegetation at the edge of William Farr Woods / Football field.

To discuss and take any necessary action regarding additional maintenance work required to the Grave yard

The Clerk will contact St Chads PCC to request that further maintenance work is undertaken to the graveyard.

To discuss and take any necessary action regarding road safety at the Watery Lane / Ryland Road junction

Highways have refused a mirror on the corner – a site meeting is being arranged to discuss a way forwards.

To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an email about the Watery Lane bridge surface

The Clerk will advise Highways of the email.

To discuss and agree on the 2024-25 grass cutting and village maintenance contracts to send out for tender

Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to accept the new contracts and send out for tender.  The closing date to receive these tenders back will be Friday 27th October.







Signed (Chairman) ……………………….………………………….. 6th November 2023