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2023 November

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 6th November 2023 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.


Present:                Cllrs T Pache (Chair), P Cutter, Mrs C Forrester, MS s Keetley, K Plowman and C Seal.


Clerk:                    Mrs  L Richardson


23/11/01              Chairman’s remarks

Flooding has been a concern to some in the village but otherwise the village has dealt well with it.  The Christmas events are well underway.


23/11/02              To receive apologies and reasons for absence

Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to accept reasons and apologies for absence from Cllr Lowles.


23/11/03              Disclosure of pecuniary interests



23/11/04              Notes of the Council Meeting held on 2nd October 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to approve the notes of the last meeting and sign them as a true record of events.



23/11/05              Accounts and Finance

a. To agree on the draft budget for 2024-25 and submit to WLDC

Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to request a draft precept of £53,899.  The Clerk will submit the paperwork to WLDC.

b. To approve the payment of accounts

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to make the following payments:-

Payee                                   Details                                  Gross                     VAT                       Net

Mrs B Edwards                     Litter Picker Salary               265.72                   0.00                       265.72

Mrs L Richardson                 Clerks Salary and expenses 835.09                   0.00                       835.09

SameDay Printing                Christmas Market Posters   175.83                  29.30                    131.53

Dunholme St Chads PCC      Ukulele Band – Fete            125.00                  0.00                      125.00

Fillingham Christmas Trees  Village Christmas Tree         312.00                  52.00                    260.00

LALC                                     Training Costs                      90.00                    15.00                    75.00    

Freethought Internet           Website Domain                  120.00                  20.00                    100.00

Cllr T Pache                          Christmas Lights                  366.00                  61.00                    305.00

Glendale                              Grass Cutting Costs              429.60                  71.60                    358.00


23/11/06              Parish Council Building and Assets

a. To receive an update on the proposed new play area on Honeyholes Lane

The final feed back forms have been received and Plan A was decided upon with additional swings added.

Cllr Mrs Forrester will assist the Clerk in locating funding avenues for this project.

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Ms Keetley that the Clerk will apply and submit applications  for funding towards the cost of this project on behalf of the Parish Council.

b. To receive update regarding installation of weatherproof electrical sockets V/hall roof

The necessary work has been undertaken.


To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Christmas event, including the live advent calendar and the Christmas Market

The Clerk will arrange to purchase Bin bags for each stall holder and compile a housekeeping sheet for employees.

It was agreed to purchase further activities for the Parish Council stall – this will be deducted from the Christmas earmarked reserves.


23/11/08              To discuss and take any necessary action regarding internal communications

The Clerk will undertake a document regarding the expectations of Councillors.


23/11/09              Village Maintenance

a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all:-

  • Agreed to purchase dog waste bags dispensers – a budget of £100 was set.
  • Agreed to order a vinyl sticker for the Kennington Close play area – a budget of £50 was set – Cllr Seal to purchase.
  • The Clerk will email Glendale to request contract work be undertaken to the graveyard and Four Seasons Close.

b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding undertaking further maintenance on Kennington Close playarea near the houses rear on Beech Close

Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to accept a quote from AKO Maintenance for £500 to dig up, level off and seed the green area behind the houses on Beech House.

c. To revoke resolution made under minute reference 23/10/8e

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to revoke minute reference 23/10/8e

d. To agree to increasing the deadline to return grass cutting and village maintenance tenders to 6 weeks, instead of 3

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to increase the tender return date to 6 weeks.


23/11/10              To agree to close the meeting to Press and Public

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Plowman and agreed by all to close the meeting to press and public.


23/11/11              To discuss and take any necessary action regarding leases held with external bodies
