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2023 March

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 6th March 2023 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall


Present:                 Cllrs A Pache (Chair), G Bilton, Mrs C Forrester, Mrs S Keetley, D Lowles, C Seal and J Tonks


Clerk:                     Mrs L Richardson


23/06/01               Chairman’s remarks

                                The Cosy Corner is becoming increasingly popular with numbers rising on a weekly basis.

        Communications are ongoing with LCC to arrange a site visit to discuss maintenance needed to roads in the village.


23/06/02               To receive apologies and reasons for absence

                                None received.


23/06/03               To receive applications for co option onto the Parish Council

                                The Council is now full.


23/06/04               Disclosure of pecuniary interests



23/06/05               Notes of the council meeting held on 6th February 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to approve the notes of the last meeting.  The Chair signed as a true record of events.


23/06/06               Administration

  1. To receive an update regarding the Parish Council website

The website is now up and running again.  The Clerk and Cllr Seal are working on updating the site with the legal requirement documents and will then start to look at updating village information.

The Clerk has contact the owner of the website requesting the content be deleted and a link to the new website advertised.

  1. To review the policies and procedures list held for the Parish Council

All updated policies will now be uploaded to the website.

The Clerk will send a link to other policies that may wish to be considered by the Parish Council.

  1. To receive an email regarding a Deed of Easement for a resident’s property

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all not to sign the Deed of Easement as it is a well-used foot path and is used by William Farr Secondary School for access to the school by pedestrians etc.  The original planning permission was granted April 1991 and has therefore lapsed.

The Clerk and Cllr Pache will formulate a reply.


23/06/07               Accounts and Finance

  1. To receive the current financial position

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the current financial position.

  1. To consider subscribing to LALCs Annual Training Scheme at a cost of £140

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to subscribe to LALCs annual training scheme for 2023-24

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding sponsorship of the village planters.

No further update to minute

  1. To approve the payment of accounts:-

Payee                                     Details                                                    Gross                      VAT                         Net

Mrs L Richardson                  Clerks salary and expenses                  746.71                   0.00                        746.71

Mrs B Edwards                      Litter Picker Salary                                247.00                   0.00                        247.00

LALC                                       2023-24 Annual Subscription              459.51                   0.00                        459.51

EE                                            Broadband/Telephone Fees                49.20                      8.20                        41.00

LAB Plannning                       Neighbourhood Plan Review               1200.00                   0.00                         1200.00

KAO Maintenance                Play area maintenance                        2766.88                   0.00                         2766.88

Rudies Roots                         Winter Flower Planters                        1500.00                


23/06/08               Parish Council Buildings and Asset

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the takeover of the village hall, including the Village Hall Management Structure

Cllr Pache advised the Council that a number of the Village Hall committee are happy to stay and will maintain the general maintenance etc of the building and the bookings of the hall.

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all that the Parish Council will take over the running of the accounts – this will be reviewed in terms of the Clerks contract, job description and payment of hours.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the village hall windows

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr and agreed by all to accept a quote from Harlequin Glass Designs Ltd for £1784.58.  The Clerk will accept the quote.

  1. To receive an update regarding the installation of play area equipment at the Cyden Homes development, including acquiring funding the area

The Council are awaiting further options and prices.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the fencing around Kennington Close play area

Deferred to a future meeting – awaiting a further quote.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a spare battery for the speed awareness signs

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Lowles and agreed by all to accept a quote from Unipart Dorman for £628.04 to replace the batteries in the original speed signs.  It was agreed by all to make this payment using the Parish Council debit card.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Indoor and Outdoor bowls club: -

Outdoor Bowls Club - Following the work agreed at the last meeting, a larger amount of soil has been dug up than was agreed in the previous quote.  A further quote of £850 has been received to muck away and relay reclaimed slabs.  Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Lowles and agreed by all to accept this quote.

Indoor Bowls Club – Fire alarm – Following the concerns at last months meeting, a further site visit has taken place and a further quote has been received to ensure the alarm is enough for the building. Proposed Cllr Tonks, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to accept the revised quote of £7267.58.


23/06/09               Events

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Annual Parish Meeting

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keeltey, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all that the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Monday 3rd April 2023 at 8pm.

The normal monthly meeting will commence at 7pm.

Light bites will be purchased by the Clerk for after the meeting.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding celebrations for the Kings Coronation

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Pache and agreed by all to purchase a King Charles III fact book and bookmark for each primary school child.

A Dunholme Parish Council sticker will be purchased to go inside.



23/06/10               Planning: -

  1. To discuss and submit any comments regarding applications received.

None received.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review

The review has been completed and has been sent to West Lindsey for their comments.


23/06/11               Village Maintenance

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village

Oak Wood fencing needs looking at

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding safety concerns at Scothern Lane / A46 junction

Awaiting reply from LCC

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the removal of 2 large trees on the Chestnut Homes development

The trees in question had been confirmed to have ash die back and therefore had to be removed.  A tree planting scheme will be put in place once the development has been finished.

  1. To receive and decide upon quotes for the annual village maintenance and grass cutting contracts

Not received – deferred to a future meeting


23/06/12               To agree the date of the next meeting

Monday 3rd April 2023 at 7pm and 8pm – Annual Parish Meeting

Monday 22nd May 2023 at 7.30pm – Annual Council Meeting