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2023 June (Audit Meeting)

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 26th June 2023 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.


Present:                Cllrs Mrs Keetley (Chair), G Bilton, Mrs Forrester, and C Seal


Clerk:                    Mrs L Richardson


23/06/10              Chairman’s remarks

                              Welcome to the meeting


23/06/11              To receive apologies and reasons for absence

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Bilton and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Pache


23/06/12              Disclosure of pecuniary interests



23/06/13              To approve the reviewed risk assessment policy

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the reviewed risk assessment policy.  This will be added to the spreadsheet.     


23/06/14              Accounts and Finance

                              The internal audit report and audit paperwork was circulated prior to the meeting.


  1. To approve and sign the 2022-23 Annual Governance Statements for submission to the External Auditor

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keeltey, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve and sign the 2022-23 Annual Governance Statements for submission to the External Auditor.

  1. To approve and sign the 2022-23 Annual Accounting Statements for submission to the External Auditor

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Bilton and agreed by all to approve and sign the 2022-23 Annual Accounting Statements for submission to the External Auditor

  1. To note Publics right to view dates

Noted the Public Right to view dates for the 2022-23 audit paperwork as 3.7.23 to 11.8.23


23/06/15              To decide on representatives for the attendance at Scamptons Inter Parish Council meeting

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all that Cllrs Mrs Keeltey, Bilton and Seal will attend the meeting.  A mandate was agreed for the purpose of the meeting and going forwards (pending Chairs approval)




Signed (Chairman) ………………………………………… 3rd July 2023