A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 5th June 2023 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs A Pache, G Bilton, P Cutter, Mrs C Forrester, Mrs S Keetley and D Lowes
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
23/06/01 Chairman’s remarks
Thanks were given to John and Janice Ritchie for their many years dedication to the village hall.
The fencing around Kennington Close play area edging has been erected and has been receiving some very good feedback on this.
A village visit is to take place this week to discuss the Highways maintenance required throughout the village.
23/06/02 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley , seconded Cllr Lowles and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllrs Seal and Plowman.
23/06/03 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
Cllr Pache declared an interest in agenda item 23/06/06d.
23/06/04 Notes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 22nd May 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to approve the notes of the last meeting and sign them as official minutes of the meeting.
23/06/05 To elect representatives to the following working groups:-
Proposed Cllr Lowes, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to elect the following representatives to the below working groups:-
- Village Maintenance – Cllrs Mrs Forrester and Mrs Keetley
- Planning – Cllrs Lowes and Bilton
23/06/06 Accounts and Finance
- To approve payment of £60 for Cllr Mrs Forrester to attend the Play Area Inspection training session
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley , seconded Cllr Lowes and agreed by all to approve the payment of £60 for Cllr Mrs Forrester to attend the play area inspection training session.
- To approve payment for a bouncy castle for the village summer fete
Proposed Cllr Lowes, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to pay for a bouncy castle for the village summer fete. A budget of £250 was set. It was requested that the invoice and liability insurance be sent directly to the Parish Council for payment.
- To receive and decide upon a grant application from St Chads PCC towards grass cutting costs
Proposed Cllr Bilton, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to approve the grant to St Chads PCC for £750 towards their annual grass cutting costs.
20:05 Cllr Pache left the meeting
- To approve payment of the Chairmans Allowance for 2023-24
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to approve payment of £300 to the Chairman for their Chairmans allowance for 2023-24. It was agreed by all not to request receipts as proof of expenditure.
20:10 Cllr Pache returned to the meeting
- To approve the payment of accounts:-
Proposed Cllr Cutter, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to approve the following payments of accounts:-
Quickbooks | Accounts Software | 12.60 | 2.10 | 10.50 | |
Arborez | Scothern Lane Hedge Maintenance | 480.00 | 80.00 | 400.00 | |
Mrs S Keetley | Cosy Club expenses | 30.00 | 0.00 | 30.00 | |
EE | Broadband and Mobile phone | 56.28 | 9.38 | 46.90 | |
Natwest | Charges | 8.75 | 0.00 | 8.75 | |
Microsoft | Email and Website Fees | 75.48 | 12.58 | 62.90 | |
Viking Direct | Stationery | 66.62 | 11.12 | 55.50 | |
Gallagher | Annual Insurance Fees | 2710.21 | 0.00 | 2710.21 | |
Jacksons Fencing | Kennngton Close Playarea Fencing | 7948.54 | 1324.76 | 6623.78 | |
Welton PC | Play area checks | 30.00 | 0.00 | 30.00 | |
Lindum Fire Services | Village Hall Fire Alarm | 8721.10 | 1453.52 | 7267.58 | |
Glendale | Grass Cutting | 852.00 | 142.00 | 710.00 | |
LALC | Annual Fees and Training Scheme | 627.51 | 28.00 | 599.51 | |
Mrs B Edwards | Litter Picker Salary | 265.92 | 0.00 | 265.92 | |
Mrs L Richardson | Clerks Salary and Expenses | 778.09 | 0.00 | 778.09 |
23/06/07 Parish Council Buildings and Asset
- To receive an update on the proposed new play area on Honeyholes Lane / Cyden Homes development
Ongoing – it is hoped that consultations will take place in the new couple of months.
- To receive and decide upon quotes for the annual play area inspection
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to accept the quote from RoSPA to
undertake then annual Playarea inspection.
23/06/08 Planning
- To make comments of planning applications received:-
- 146558 – The Old School Hall, 8 Market Rasen Road - Planning application for single storey rear extension.
20:50 Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley , seconded Cllr Forrester and agreed by all to postpone standing orders to allow John Ritchie to confirm a number of queries raised by Councillors.
20:55 Proposed Cllr Mrs Lowes, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to reimplement standing orders.
Proposed Cllr Lowes, seconded Cllr Bilton and agreed by all to submit comments to WLDC stating the below:-
- Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Lowles and agreed by all to make the following comments to WLDC:
- Insufficient on-site parking for proposed development
- Does not comply with Dunholme neighbourhood plan.
- The present proposed development in its current design exceeds the needs of the village.
- No evidence to support the need for a new social space in the village
- Will compete with village Hall.
- Anti-social parking on narrow roads.
- There is no clear plan or strategy for the use of a new extension. With the exception of the working spaces
- Dunholme Village Hall will be of a similar size (should the plans be approved) has on -site parking for approximately 100 parking spaces with no immediate neighbours)
- Statutory Nuisance - A number of nearby properties will experience these issues caused by either on-street parking or potential noise.
- The present use of the Old School building has co-existed harmoniously with the immediate neighbours partly due to the fact the Old school has two letting rooms the Main Hall (ex-class room and a second small class room) available for casual letting with good facilities and ideal for small to medium sized gathering particularly birthday parties of all ages by various groups including residents. The applicant has indicated the desire to increase business with no strategic plan.
- The Old School boundary backs onto immediate neighbours there is hardly any distance to dissipate and emergency exit route would be back past the building.
- The greatest impact of the new public meeting place will be on the neighbours and surrounding roads especially in the evenings.
- Overdevelopment of this site
- The intention to introduce additional functions to Dunholme Old School Community will effect parking in the surrounding area due to limited parking places.
- To discuss and submit any comments regarding Scothern Neighbourhood Plan review
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Lowes and agreed by all to submit no comments.
23/06/09 Village Maintenance
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village
- Wentworth Drive/Lincoln Road – overhanging trees
- Oak View/Lincoln Road – hedge to cut back
- School – hedge to cut back
- To receive an update on the village maintenance resident requests from last meeting
Investigations and walk arounds are ongoing
- To receive and decide upon quotes to undertake various tree maintenance around the village
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to accept the following quotes from Arborez:-
- Market Rasen Road – Trimming of 2 cherry trees - £600
- Honeyholes Lane – Dead Rowan Tree - £260
A quote for £1916 was accepted for the summer planters, maintaining and watering throughout summer.
Signed (Chairman) …………………………………………….. 3rd July 2023