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2023 January

A meeting of Dunholme Parish took place on Monday 9th January 2023 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.


Present:                 Cllrs A Pache (Chair), G Bilton, D Cutter, Mrs C Forrester, Mrs S Keeltey, D Lowles and K Plowman


Clerk:                     Mrs L Richardson


23/01/01               Chairman’s remarks

Happy New Year to everyone, looking forward to the coming 12 months.  May sees Elections taking place.  The Christmas events – Christmas tree, Christmas Market and the lightening of the village hall have received very positive feedback.  Welcome to Graham Bilton and Peter Cutter as new Councillors after being co-opted on last month.


23/01/02               To receive apologies and reasons for absence

None received


23/01/03               Disclosure of pecuniary interests



23/01/04               Notes of the council meeting held on 5th December 2022 to be approved and signed as minutes

                                This was deferred to a future meeting.


23/01/05               Correspondence (for information only): -

                                All included on the agenda


23/01/06               Administration

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Parish Council Website

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Mrs Forrester and agreed by all that Cllr Pache will contact the current website host to request that the domain is not carried on past this year.

  1. To approve payment of £280 for the annual fee of the telephone/communications system

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to approve payment of £280 for the annual fee of the telephone/communications system.


23/01/07               Accounts and Finance

  1. To receive the current financial position

No update to minute

  1. To receive an update regarding online banking

The electronic forms have now been received from Natwest for the account signatories to sign.  This has been completed and submitted.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding funding available for improvements to the village hall

Cllr Pache has made enquiries to Acre to confirm eligibility to the scheme.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding funding available for Community Facilities

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to contact FCC to see if we are within 10 miles of an approved FCC site.

  1. To approve and sign the final precept request form for submission to WLDC

Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Lowles and agreed by all to request a final precept figure of £52,077.  The form was signed for submission to WLDC.

  1. To approve the payment of accounts –

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to make the following payments:-

Payee                                     Details                                    Gross                      VAT                         Net

Mrs L Richardson                  Clerks salary and expenses  778.09                   0.00                        778.09

Mrs B Edwards                      Litter Picker Salary                247.00                   0.00                        247.00

Amazon                                  Cosy Corner Refreshments  38.48                      0.00                        38.48

Print Group                           Cosy Corner Posters             250.43                   0.00                        250.43

Keep Britain Tidy                  Litter Picking Cart                 189.50                   31.58                      189.50

LAB Planning                         Neighbourhood Planning     800.00                   0.00                        800.00

GBSG Ltd                                CCTV Annual Maintenance 240.30                   40.05                      200.25

EE                                            Broadband/Telephone Fees

LIVES                                       Christmas Market Donation 292.50                   0.00                        292.50


20:18                     Cllr Seal arrived


23/01/08               Parish Council Buildings and Asset

  1. To receive an update regarding the development of the Village Hall complex: -
  • Update regarding the takeover of the village hall – Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to provide a takeover date of the village hall of 1st April 2023. The Clerk will contact the current committee to approve this date.
  • Discuss and take any necessary action regarding the village hall windows – No update
  1. To receive the annual play area inspection report and take any necessary action

No update regarding the annual play area inspections.

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to ask a local contractor to fill the holes to the entrance of the parks and add honeycomb matting to protect the areas.  The Clerk will request quotes – a budget of £150 was agreed.

  1. To agree to renew the application for the Dunholme Old School Hall as a community asset

Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to reregister the Old School Hall as a

Community Asset.  The Clerk was asked to check the other assets to see if they need re registering.

  1. To receive, approve and sign the paperwork for the adoption of the Cyden Homes development green area site

This was deferred to a future meeting to enable the Council the obtain a design of Play area Equipment to send to Cyden Homes for approval before signing the paperwork.

  1. To receive an update regarding the installation of play area equipment at the Cyden Homes development

A plan of a proposed play area is to be received this week to send to Cyden Homes for agreement.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village electronic mapping

No further update – to be removed from future agendas.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Indoor and Outdoor bowls club: -
  • Indoor Bowls Club – Locking Thermostat Valves – No update to minute. This can be removed from the agenda.
  • Outdoor Bowls Club – Replacement of the fencing and gate, trimming of the perimeter hedge – No update to minute
  • Fire Alarm – This in in progress – a quote has been received.


23/01/09               Events: -

  1. To discuss and decide upon a Charity for the monies raised from the Dunholme Christmas Market

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all to donate the money to LIVES - £292.50

  1. To receive a request from Dunholme Pre School regarding running a Dunholme Love Lock Bridge fundraiser event

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Mrs Forrester and agreed by all – must be easily removable incase of weddings etc.

  1. To receive and update regarding Cosy Corner meets

The first Cosy Corner meet has taken place and a number of people came along.


23/01/10               Planning: -

  1. To discuss and submit any comments regarding applications received: -

None received

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review

Public consultations have now taken place, open meetings are in the process of being arranged for people to drop in and view the review.


23/01/11               Village Maintenance

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village
  • Pooh bin on Paynell
  • Fencing around Kennington Close play area and Nursery Close area.
  • Put about dog pooh in the Dunholme News – The Clerk will look for some official Dog mess signs that quote the by laws.
  • Oak Wood path is very muddy and needs maintaining
  • The Clerk will contact Sue Rawlins to discuss the state of roads in the village and request a site meeting.


23/01/12               To agree the date of the next meeting

Monday 6th February