A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 4th December 2023 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs A Pache (Chair), P Cutter, Ms S Keetley and K Plowman
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
23/12/01 Chairman’s remarks
Thanks were given for the support and attendance at the Christmas Market and the lighting of the Christmas Tree.
23/12/02 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllrs Seal and Mrs Forrester.
23/12/03 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
23/12/04 Notes of the Council Meeting held on 6th November 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes
Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Cutter and agreed by all to approve the notes of the last meeting and sign as an accurate record of events.
23/12/05 Accounts and Finance
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding making payments between meetings
Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to make payments to companies between meetings if the amount is as agreed at a previous meeting.
- To approve the payment of accounts – See list
Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Cutter and agreed by all to make the following payments:-
Humberside Glazing Village Hall Doors 1952.40 325.40 1627.00
Greystones Design Village Hall Drawings 1200.00 0.00 1200.00
Mrs B Edwards Litterpicker Salary 265.92 0.00 265.92
Mrs L Richardson Clerks salary (inc backpay) 1689.61 0.00 1689.61
GBSG Limited CCTV Maintenance 240.40 40.05 200.25
AKO Maintenance Bench installation
Fillingham Christmas Village Christmas Tree 312.00 52.00 260.00
Unit Locks
Welton Parish Council Village Checks 90.00 0.00 90.00
Lindum Fire Six monthly inspections 90.00 18.00 108.00
Rudies Roots Winter Planning 1818.20 303.03 1515.17
23/12/06 Parish Council Building and Assets
- To receive an update on the proposed new play area on Honeyholes Lane
The Clerk will look into Tescos Champion scheme to see if we are eligible.
Cllr Ms Keetley will approach Acis to see if they have any funding opportunities available to the Parish Council.
Funding application to FCC has been submitted and in March 2024 to be presented to panel for consideration.
- To receive an update on the village hall and Bowls Club progress
The completed architectural drawings of the Village Hall and Bowls club have been finalised and received. A copy was given to Councillors.
Going forwards, the next step is to look at common areas that could be used by both the village hall and the Indoor Bowls Club to utilise the spaces as efficiently as possible.
- To receive an update on funding for the Honeyholes Lane Play area
As above
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding registering Community Assets within the village
The Old School Hall application form to be re considered as a community asset has been submitted and will be considered at the next panel.
Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to apply for the field between the DDIBC and the Enterprise Park.
23/12/07 To receive an update on the Christmas events
The Christmas Market made a total amount of £405. Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to use this money towards the funding of the new play area on Honeyholes Lane.
The live advent calendar is not going ahead due to low numbers being interested.
The Parish Council have agreed to run a Best Decorated House competition instead. A budget of £ was approved to purchase an award for the winner.
23/12/08 Village Maintenance
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village
- Flooding ready – lack of storage to store aqua bags etc
- Salting of the village hall car park – not at the minute due to capacity issues
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding wet weather equipment for the village litter picker
Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Ms Keetley and agreed by all to purchase new wet weather clothing for the village litter picker.
23/12/09 To agree to close the meeting to Press and Public
Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Ms Keetley and agreed by all to close the meeting to press and public.
23/12/10 To receive and decide upon quotes for the 2024-25 grass cutting and village maintenance contracts
Proposed Cllr Ms Keetley, seconded Cllr Cutter and agreed by all to accept the tenders from Freddie Allen for the grass cutting and village maintenance contracts.
23/12/11 To note dates of staff annual appraisal and to approve Clerks annual salary increase as per NALC guidance and pay scales and pay the back pay due from 1st April 2023
NALC have published the updated pay scales with effect from 1st April 2024.
A calculation of the Clerks back pay due and now monthly salary was circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting.
Proposed Cllr Cutter, seconded Cllr Ms Keetley and agreed by all to approve the calculations.
The Clerks appraisal date has been set for 15th January 2024.
A date for the litter pickers salary is to be confirmed.