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2022 November


A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 7th November 2022 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall

Present:                A Pache (Chairman), D Lowles, K Plowman and C Seal

Clerk:                    Mrs Laura Richardson


22/11/01              Chairman’s remarks

                              Christmas is coming and the events are being finalised.

                              Welcome to Carrie.

22/11/02              To receive apologies and reasons for absence


22/11/03              Disclosure of pecuniary interests


22/11/04              Notes of the council meeting held on 3rd October 2022 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to approve the notes of the last meeting as a true record of events.  These were signed by the Chair.


22/11/05              Correspondence (for information only): -

22/11/06              Administration

a. To approve the review of the Standing Orders with necessary amendments

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to adopt the amended Standing Orders.

b. To approve the review of the Financial Regulations with necessary amendments

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to adopt the amended Financial Regulations.

c. To approve the review of the Lone Worker Policy

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the Lone Worker Policy

d. To approve the review of the Social Media policy

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the Social Media Policy


22/11/07              Accounts and Finance

a. To receive the current financial position

Proposed Cllr Lowles, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the current financial position.

b. To receive and approve the 2023-24 draft budget for submission to WLDC

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to submit a request for the 2023-24 precept of £52,077.

c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the request for Planter sponsorship

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr and agreed by all to contact businesses in the village to request sponsorship towards the village planters.

Cllrs Mrs Keetley and Mrs Forrester agreed to contact the businesses to see if anyone would like to sponsor.

d. To approve the payment of accounts

Proposed Cllr Mrs Forrester, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to approve the following payments:-







Bank Fees




LAB Planning Services Ltd

NP Consultant Fees




Glendale (3495 & 3762)

Grass Cutting




Dunholme PCC

Platinum Jubilee Event Costs




Welton Parish Council

Speed Sign Management





Training Costs




PKF Littlejohn

External Audit Fee




Mrs B Edwards

Litter Picker Salary




Mrs L Richardson

Clerks salary and expenses




Miles Web

3 years website hosting




C. Seal

Microsoft Fees and Broadband





Bank Fees






22/11/08              Parish Council Buildings and Asset

a. To receive an update regarding the development of the Village Hall complex: -

Cllrs Pache, Mrs Forrester and Plowman will attend the Village Hall meeting on 14th November.

  • Update regarding the takeover of the village hall – No further update to minute
  • Discuss and take any necessary action regarding the village hall windows – No further update to minute

b. To approve the dissolution of the village hall committee

This was deferred to a future meeting to allow Councillors to consider the available options going forwards.

c. To receive the annual play area inspection report and take any necessary action

Cllr Mrs Keetley has circuloated a list of works required following the play area inspection.  The Clerk will send these to EKM Limited for a quote for the necessary works.

d. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding updating the Council Chairman’s board in the Jubilee Room

No further to minute

e. To receive an update regarding the adoption of the Cyden Homes development green area site, including to accept a quote of £200 for the associated legal costs

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to accept a quote for £200 from Chattertons Solicitors to undertake the legal transfer paperwork.

f. To receive an update regarding the installation of play area equipment at the Cyden Homes development

A meeting has taken place with Kompan who are going to send the Council a plan for the area for a low-level accessible play area.  This will be circulated to Councillors with the associated costs once it has been received.

The community will then be consulted on any ideas.

g. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Community Spaces (Warm Space) in the village

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to trail the Community Warm Spaces sessions throughout January, February and March 2023.

The sessions will not clash with warm space areas in the local area.

Cllrs Mrs Keetley and Seal will let the Clerk know the dates for advertisement.

A budget of £500 was agreed by all for the trial period.

h. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village electronic mapping

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Lowles and agreed by all to sign up to Parish Online for a free 30 day trial to see if there are any benefits to using it for the Parish Council assets and information for residents.

i. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Indoor and Outdoor bowls club: -

  • Indoor Bowls Club – Locking Thermostat Valves – No update to minute
  • Outdoor Bowls Club – Replacement of the fencing and gate, trimming of the perimeter hedge.

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to accept a quote for £590 from Arborez to remove to reduce the hedge and dead tree in the area.

  • Fire Alarm – Quotes are currently being obtained


22/11/09              Events:-

a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2022 Christmas Events – Christmas Fayre, Live Advent Calendar, best decorated house, Pre School-Christmas Wish fundraiser

The following updates were given: -

Christmas Fayre – The Clerk will ask Rudies Roots for the donation of a Christmas Tree for outside the Village Hall.  Cllr Seal will purchase the advertising signs and arrange the poster to align the design.

Live Advent Calendar – Currently being advertised and dates are filling up.

Best Decorated House – Advertised

b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding “Fit Village Program”

Cllr Pache is looking into this and will update as necessary.

c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Remembrance Day

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to purchase a Remembrance Wreath.  It was agreed by all to purchase this under Section 137 payments.

Cllr Plowman will attend the service on behalf of the Council.


22/11/10              Planning: -

a. To discuss and submit any comments regarding applications received:-

  • 145672 – 7 Paynell - Planning application to increase ridge height of roof for first floor extension and alterations to dwelling – Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to submit no comment regarding this application.
  • 145604 – Land adj. 90 Lincoln Road - Outline planning application to erect 1no. dwellilng with all matters reserved - Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to submit no comment regarding this application.

b. To discuss and make any comments regarding the Scothern Neighbourhood Plan Review

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr and agreed by all to submit no comments regarding the Scothern Parish Council review.



c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review

Two public consultation events will take place in early December.

d. To receive an update regarding an Emergency Plan / Contacts Pack

No update to minute


22/11/11              Village Maintenance

a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to undertake the following:-

  • Slabs at the Kennington Close play area – Matting at the entrance (and Allwood Road)
  • Beverleys trolley – A budget of £70 was set to purchase a new trolley.
  • Arrange a meeting with Sue Rawlins to view Highways issues.


22/11/12              To agree the date of the next meeting  - Monday 5th December 2022