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2022 July

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council was held on Monday 4th July 2022 in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.


Present:                 Cllrs A Pache (Chair), K Plowman, Mrs R Sanderson and C Seal


Clerk:                     Mrs L Richardson


22/07/01               Chairman’s remarks

  • Speed cameras are now up and running and have received good feedback.


22/07/02               To receive apologies and reasons for absence

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllrs Mrs S Keetley, Miss C Keetley and D Lowles


22/07/03               Disclosure of pecuniary interests

                                None declared


22/07/04               Notes of the council meeting held on 13th June 2022 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to sign the minutes of the last meeting as a true record of events.


22/07/05               Notes of the annual council meeting held on 29th June 2022 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Pache and agreed by all to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record of events.


22/07/06               Correspondence (for information only):

                                All on the agenda


22/07/07               Administration

  1. To approve the Risk Assessment following review of the policy

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to approve the risk assessment as previously circulated to Councillors.

  1. To approve the Grant/Donation policy following review

Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Miss Sanderson and agreed by all to approve the grants and donation policy as previously circulated to Councillors.

  1. To approve the Code of Conduct

Proposed Cllr Plowman, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the WLDC Code of Conduct.  Present Councillors signed the receipt.  It was requested that the Clerk reply to WLDC stating that Dunholme Parish Council will abide by the Code of Conduct if WLDC Councillors also abide by it.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the provision of a monthly paid Sim Card for the Council mobile phone

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to accept a plan from EE for £11 per month for a 12GB data only sim card.  This will allow the Clerk to use the mobile phone in and out of the office.  Cllr Seal will add this onto the Councils current Broadband package.

  1. To decide on Councilors responsible for:-
  • Play areas
  • Village Maintenance

Deferred to a future meeting once more Councillors are present.


22/07/08               Accounts and Finance

  1. To receive the current financial position

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to approve the current financial position.

  1. To approve the payment of accounts

Proposed Cllr Mrs Sanderson, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to make the following payments:-

Supplier                                         Details                                                    Gross                      VAT                         Net

Lincolnshire County Council        Speed signs & stickers                          250.00                   0.00                        250.00

Mrs L Richardson                          Clerks salary and expenses                  528.43                   0.00                        528.43

Mrs B Edwards                              Litter picker salary                                247.00                   0.00                        247.00

Cllr C Seal                                       Reimbursement for Sum Up                177.60                   29.60                      148.00

LALC                                               Annual Training Scheme                      162.00                   27.00                      135.00

Welton Parish Council                  Play area inspection & sign relocation 75.00                      0.00                        75.00

Rudies Roots                                 Summer Planters                                  2181.60                 363.60                   1818.00

Home & Garden Improv.             Play area Maintenance                        603.88                   0.00                        603.88

Lincolnshire County Council        Speed Sign Posts                                   600.00                   0.00                        600.00

Noticeboard Company                 Whats On Sign                                       1020.00                 170.00                   850.00

HMRC                                             PAYE Tax and NI (Months 1-3)             332.22                   0.00                        332.22


22/07/09               Parish Council Buildings and Asset

  1. To receive an update regarding the development of the Village Hall complex, including the installation of solar panels

No further update to minute

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the future use of the football field

The Clerk will produce a mini set of accounts to show income and expenditure for the sports units and football pitch.

Cllr Seal and Lowles are due to meet the football club to discuss the future of the facilities.

  1. To receive and decide upon quotes for the annual play area inspections

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to accept a quote from RoSPA for the annual play area inspections.


22/07/10               Events:-

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2022 Christmas Event

The church is happy to provide tea, coffee and refreshments.

The Clerk will go ahead with applying for the road closure of Holmes Lane.

Cllr Mrs Keetley to confirm the additional stall holders.

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a summer picnic

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Sanderson and agreed by all to hold a summer picnic and sports day, the

following actions were agreed:-

  • To hire a bouncy castle
  • To ask 2 food vendors along at a cost of £30 each
  • 20th/21st August 2022
  • The Clerk will contact the Co Op for tea and coffee donations
  • A budget of £500 was agreed
  • Fun dog show, pop up picninc and kids games
  • Book Jubilee Room


22/07/11               Planning: -

  1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review

Cllr Mrs Sanderson agreed to join the Neighbourhood Plan working group.

  1. To receive an update regarding an Emergency Plan / Contacts Pack

Deferred to a future meeting


22/07/12               Village Maintenance

To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to undertake the following: -

  • Cllr Pache will strim down the weeds outside of the sports units


22/07/13               To agree the date of the next meeting

Monday 1st August 2022


22/07/14               To resolve to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to the following employment matters:

                                Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Plowman and agreed by all to close the meeting to press and public to discuss staffing matters.