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2022 February

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council was held on Monday 7th February 2022  in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.


Present:                Cllrs A Pache (Chair), Miss C Keetley, Mrs S Keetley, N Rodgers, Mrs C Pelcot, I Newton, C Seal and K Plowman


Also present:        2 members of the public and District Councillor Grimble


Clerk:                    Mrs L Richardson



Chairman’s remarks

Thanks given to Construction A for their assistance with installing the duck island.

Thanks to residents who attended the NP results meeting.



To receive applications for co-option onto the Parish Council

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Lowes.



To receive apologies and reasons for absence

None declared



Notes of the meeting held on 10th January 2022 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Newton and agreed by all to approve and sign the notes of the last meeting as          a true record of event.



Correspondence (for information only): -

HSBC – Safeguarding review



Accounts and Finance

a) To receive the current financial position

Proposed Cllr Newton, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the current  financial statement

b) To receive an update on the Parish Council banking switch

This has not gone ahead  the Clerk is to reapply using current Natwest account details

c) To agree to subscribe to the 2022-23 LALC Annual training scheme

               Proposed Cllr Seal, proposed Cllr Mrs Pelcot and agreed by all to subscribe to the 2022-23 LALC training scheme.

d) To agree the appointment of an internal auditor for 2021-22

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to appoint Bridget Solly as the 2021-22 Internal Auditor

e) To approve the payment of accounts

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Newton and agreed by all to make the following payments:-

Supplier                               Details                                                 Gross                    VAT                       Net

Mrs L Richardson                 Clerks salary and expenses                    611.87                  0.00                      611.87

Mrs B Edwards                    Litter picker salary                                 231.66                  0.00                      231.66

Glendale                              Grass cutting                                      1502.40                250.40                  1252.00

Freeths                                Legal Fees                                         1203.60                200.60                  1003.00

PT Distribution                     Survey Delivery                                      35.00                    0.00                      35.00

A. Pache                              Neighbourhood Plan Costs                      198.55                  0.00                      198.55

Dunholme Old School Hall     Website Hosting                                      82.68                    0.00                      82.68

Cllr C Seal                             Microsoft Fees                                      52.02                    8.67                      43.35



Parish Council Buildings and Assets

a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance issues identified in and around the indoor/Outdoor Bowls Club facility, including drainage issues.

The replacement of the windows is due to take place on 21st February 2022.

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Pache and agreed by all to accept a quote of £1700 from Satcliffe and Swain to erect a new gate and fencing around part of the Outdoor Bowls Club.

An update was received that there are Drainage issues at times around the DDIBC.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a Village News / What’s Going On noticeboard for the village (SK)

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to purchase a Whats On noticeboard from   The Noticeboard Company for £840, green, dome. Whats on in Dunholme.  District Cllr Grimble agreed to donate some money towards this.


20.17 Meeting Closed - District Cllr Mrs Grimbe offered to donate some funds to the purchase of this sign from her Councillors initiative fund.

20.20 Meeting reopened


c) To receive a request to use the Football pitch and sports units from a 3RD Team

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all the decline the use of the football pitch at this moment    due to the maintenance already required to the pitch.

d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a storage container

 This item has been deferred to a future meeting once storage has been looked at.

e) To receive an update regarding village hall future plans

Councillors had a visit around the Village Hall to detail the future plans of the village hall.




a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review

A Neighbourhood Plan review meeting took place, and some members of the village came along to give their opinions.

The call for land deadline is 15th February 2022 – these will then be discussed and agreed at a future Parish Council meeting.

b) 144273 – Hawthorn House, 25 Lincoln Road – Planning application to erect two storey rear extension – discuss and submit comments to WLDC – Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to submit no comments regarding this application.



Council Functions

a) To receive an update regarding The Queens Green Canopy

The trees are due to be delivered over 4 deliveries – 420 trees have been approved.

Cllr Seal will look into arranging some resident planting days.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations

 - A beacon will be lit at the Church on 2nd June 2022 – ideas were requested for other activities that could take place that evening.

- The Big Jubilee Lunch to be held on 5th June 2022.

Proposed Cllr Newton, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to support the above events.  A budget of £1000 was set.

The Clerk will look into costs to provide a small gift for each pupil at the Primary School and pre-school for the Jubilee.

c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an Emergency Plan / Contacts Pack

Cllrs Seal and Plowman will look into this document for the next meeting

d) To discuss and take any necessary actions regarding the communications of the Parish Council, both internally and externally

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to purchase a telephone acknowledgement service at a cost of £48 per annum.

Cllr Plowman has an Android phone the Parish Council can borrow to trial the scheme.



To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the possible funding towards the improvement of Dunholme St Chads Pre School

Cllr Plowman requested that the Parish Council consider supporting the preschool in the future with the improvement of the facilities at the preschool, such as approaching developers to donate their site office to the area.

A new building is required more so than funding to maintain the current building.

It was agreed by all that the direct approach from the Pre School would be the way forward.



Village Maintenance

a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village

Proposed Cllr , seconded Cllr and agreed by all to undertake the following maintenance:-

- The polite notice request needs looking at.

- A note should be sent to residents regarding maintenance they should be undertaking – Cllrs Pache and Rodgers will put a leaflet together and the Clerk will print them off.



b) To receive an update regarding the speed awareness scheme and the purchase of further speed awareness signs

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to undertake the following:-

- Purchase 30mph stickers and get the free signs at a cost of £250 - Get PT Distribution to deliver these.

Solar powered speed awareness signs – looking at quotes for 4.  A site meeting is due to take place on 10th February 2022.

c) To receive an update regarding road safety, including the introduction on a zebra crossing outside St Chads Primary School

The Clerk will continue to chase County Cllr Rawlins



To agree the date of the next meeting

Monday 7th March 2022



To agree to close the meeting to press and public to discuss sensitive information

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded by Cllr Newton and agreed by all to close the meeting to press and public to allow Council to discuss sensitive information.



To note completion of the Clerks annual appraisal

It was noted that the Clerks annual appraisal has taken place.



To discuss and take any necessary action relating to 3rd party leases held with the Parish Council  

This was deferred to a future meeting


Signed (Chairman) …………………………………………. 7th March 2022