A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 1st November 2021 in the Jubilee Room of
the Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs A Pache (Chairman), Miss C Keetley, Mrs S Keetley, I Newton, Mrs C Pelcot, N Rodgers and C Seal
Also present: Reverend Paul Levins and 1 member of the Public
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
21/11/01 Chairman’s remarks
The war memorial has been cleaned and looks fabulous for the Remembrance Sunday Service.
Cllr Newton has agreed to represent the Parish Council at the Remembrance Service.
The village hall car park has been relined and a traffic management system has been installed at the Bowls Club to ensure that the one-way system is adhered too. Both Bowls Club and Village Hall committees have passed on their thanks.
The new village hall signs are due to be installed in the very near future.
21/11/02 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
None received
21/11/03 Disclosure of pecuniary interests
21/11/04 Notes of the meeting held on 4th October 2021 to be approved and signed as minutes
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record of events.
21/11/05 To receive and approve applications for co-option onto the Parish Council
Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Newton and agreed by all to co-opt Keith Plowman onto the Parish Council. The Clerk shall send him the necessary paperwork for completion.
21/11/06 Clerks report – updates on ongoing issues (for information purposes only)
Banking – The Clerk will look into Natwest with bank line for the next meeting.
21/11/07 Accounts and Finance
- a) To receive an up-to-date financial statement
Cllr Newton and the Clerk will work together to produce a more functional presentation of the budget figures to produce to Councillors on a monthly basis.
- b) To approve the payment of account
Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to approve the following payments:-
Supplier |
Details |
Gross |
Net |
Electricty Charge |
8.00 |
0.00 |
8.00 |
Lincs Lining |
White Line Marking |
1770.00 |
295.00 |
1475.00 |
Mrs B Edwards |
Litter Picker Salary |
231.66 |
0.00 |
231.66 |
Mrs L Richardson |
Clerks Salay and Expenses |
411.87 |
0.00 |
411.87 |
Mrs L Richardson |
Clerks Salay and Expenses |
200.00 |
0.00 |
200.00 |
Cllr A Pache |
Graffiti remover |
49.98 |
0.00 |
49.98 |
Draper Memorials |
War memorial cleaning |
1194.00 |
199.00 |
995.00 |
S M Harrison |
Sports Unit replacement lock |
200.00 |
0.00 |
200.00 |
Welton PC |
Playarea Checks |
30.00 |
0.00 |
30.00 |
AKO Maintenance |
DDIBC area traffic flow |
1404.00 |
234.00 |
1170.00 |
Cllr C Seal |
Microsoft Fees |
120.00 |
20.00 |
100.00 |
James Heath Electrical |
Sport Unit Repairs |
35.00 |
0.00 |
35.00 |
Glendale |
Grass Cutting |
2052.60 |
552.60 |
1500.00 |
21/11/08 Parish Council Buildings and Assets
- a) To receive an update regarding the CCTV upgrades
All necessary upgrades and repairs have now been made. A new camera has also been added to cover the car park area.
- b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance issues identified in and around the Bowls Club facility
Fencing around the Outdoor bowls club – quotes to be obtained for next meeting.
- c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding signage in the village hall area
The new signs are due to be installed shortly.
Cllr Newton will look into the purchase of 2 wall signs and a pole sign for leaving car at own risk disclaimer signs.
21/11/09 Planning:-
- a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review
The Clerk will chase up the Neighbourhood Plan funding application.
Cllr Pache to let the Clerk know what printing requirements are needed to obtain the necessary quotes.
21/11/10 Council Functions
- a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the annual Christmas event.
The following update was given:-
Christmas tree has been ordered for delivery on 19th November 2021.
Live advent calendar has had little uptake this year – Clerk to readvertise.
Event – now only using Mainwaring Close, residents’ letter will be distributed
Tree switch on at 6.30
21/11/11 Village Maintenance
- a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village
Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by to undertake the following:-
- The bench on Ashing Lane still to be replaced
- A letter regarding overgrown hedges on Honeyholes Lane corner will be sent to the garage
- A46/Market Rasen Road junction – This will be report on Fixmystreet
- Dog pooh sign on the football pitch – Cllr Newton to look into the purchase of an appropriate sign.
b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding visibility at the A46/Scothern Lane junction
No action to currently take
21/11/12 To agree the date of the next meeting
Monday 6th December 2021
21/11/13 To agree to close the meeting to press and public to discuss sensitive information
Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Mrs Pelcot and agreed by all to close the meeting to press and pubic.
21/11/14 To discuss and take any necessary action relating to 3rd party leases held with the Parish Council
No update to minute