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2020 July

A remote meeting of Dunholme Parish Council took place on Monday 6th July 2020 via Zoom.



Cllrs T Pache (Chair), Mrs M Murphy, I Newton, Mrs C Pelcot, N Rodgers and C Seal



Mrs L Richardson



Chairmans remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first ever remote meeting of the Council.



To receive and decide upon applications for co-option onto the Council

Proposed Cllr Mrs Pelcot, seconded Cllr Mrs Murphy and agreed by all to co-opt Ian Newton onto the Parish Council.



To receive apologies and reasons for absence

Proposed Cllr Newton, seconded Cllr Mrs Murphy and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllrs Mrs Keeltey and Miss Keeltey.



Disclosure of pecuniary interests

Cllr Pache declared an interest in agenda item 4c.



Notes of the meeting held on 2nd March to be approved and signed as minutes           

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to sign the notes of the meeting as a true record of events.



To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies (e.g. Police/LCC/WLDC)

None received



To receive the Clerks report on outstanding matters

All items are included on the agenda.



Financial matters:

a) To approve and sign the 20119/20 Annual Governance statement for submission to the external auditor.

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Murphy and agreed by all to approve and sign the 2019/20 Annual Governance Statement.


b) To approve and sign the 2019/20 Annual Accountants Statement for submission to the external auditor

Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Mrs Murphy and agreed by all to approve and sign the 2019/20 Annual Accounts Statement.


c) To discuss and agree to pay the 2020/21 Annual Chairmans Allowance

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Newton and agreed by all to pay a Chairmans Allowance of £200 to Cllr Pache.


d) To receive and decide upon a Grant request application form from St Chads PCC for their grass cutting costs

Propose Cllr Mrs Murphy, seconded Cllr Newton and agreed by all to make a financial contribution of £500 to St Chads church towards their grass cutting costs.


e) To approve the payment of accounts



Parish Council Buildings and Assets

a) To receive an update regarding maintenance due to the DDIBC roof

The Council were unsuccessful in their funding application.  Further ways of payment will be looked into ready for the next meeting.


b) To receive a letter from the Indoor Bowls Club regarding the effect of Coronavirus on the club and take any necessary action

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Mrs Murphy and agreed by all to contact the DDIBC and ask for details of their financial losses once the club is opened again.  This matter will be reviewed once full financial details are known.


c) To decide upon quotes for the annual play area safety inspections

Proposed Cllr Mrs Pelcot, seconded Cllr Newton and agreed by all to accept the quote from RoSPA for the annual play area safety cheques.


d) To receive and decide upon a request from Welton Football Club to reduce the 2020/21 hire fees due to the Coronavirus pandemic

Proposed Cllr Mrs Murphy, seconed Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to refund £200 to the Welton FC as part refund for the year – being the proportion that the facilities have not been used.




a) To receive an email from a resident regarding a possible new planning application

No comments were made regarding the proposed application – it will be dealt with once an official application and request for comments have been received.



To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the adoption of a new Model Code of Conduct

No comments were made



Village Maintenance:

a) To consider any maintenance jobs required around the village and play areas



b) To receive and decide upon a quote for the Manor Farm pond maintenance

Proposed Cllr Mrs Murphy, seconded Cllr Mrs Pelcot and agreed by all to accept the quote from P. Westman Landscapes LTD  for the Manor Farm pond maintenance.