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2020 December

A meeting of Dunholme Parish Council was held remotely on Monday 2nd December 2020.



Cllrs A Pache (Chair),   Mrs S Keetley, I Newton, N Rodgers and C Seal.



Mrs L Richardson



Chairmans remarks                    

Many thanks for attending the final meeting of 2020.  It is good to see reports back in the Dunholme News.  Thanks were given to the Clerk for her work during the year and in particular the recent Christmas events.  The virtual tree switch on was a great success with nearly 1000 views since the live video. 



To receive apologies and reasons for absence

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Miss Keetley.



Disclosure of pecuniary interests

None were disclosed



Notes of the meeting held on 19th October 2020 to be approved and signed as minutes

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record of events.



Clerks updates

Paving slabs on Lincoln Road development – A resident has queried if the developer has permission to remove the block paving and use the land.  County Councillor Sue Rawlins is dealing with this matter.

Map of the village assets – The Clerk is looking into getting a professional map drawn up to show Council assets on.



Accounts and Finance

a) To receive an update on the 2019-20 Annual Audit

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Mrs Keetley and agreed by all that the Council are satisfied with the 2019-20 audit, including the internal audit process.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Parish Council bank accounts

Following a number of issues with HSBC, all monies have been arranged to be in one account.  Once these transfers have taken place, all monies will be moved to Lloyds. It has been confirmed that all bank mandates are now up to date.

c) To approve the payment of accounts:

Proposed Cllr Newton, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to make the following payments:

Supplier                                       Details                                                  Gross                    VAT                        Net

TalkTalk Business                          Broadband Costs                                    26.34                     4.39                        21.95

TalkTalk Business                          Broadband Costs                                    31.14                     5.19                        25.95

Eon                                            Electricity Costs                                        8.79                     0.42                         8.37

Eon                                            Electricity Costs                                        9.08                     0.43                         8.65

L.J. Services Ltd                          Village Hall Roof Maintenance                   145.00                     0.00                      145.00

Glasdon UK Ltd                            Litter Bins                                             933.46                 155.58                      777.88

Rudies Roots                               Village Planters                                     1605.60                 267.60                     1338.00

Glendale                                     Grass Cutting                                         729.60                 121.60                       608.00

Welton Parish Council                    Play Area Inspections                               60.00                     0.00                        60.00

JDB Refurbishments Ltd                 DDIBC Roof Repairs                            52214.35                8702.35                   43511.95



Parish Council Buildings and Assets

a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the maintenance required to the DDIBC and village hall roof

The project has now been finalised and signed off by the appointed architect.

There are a number of bricks that need repointing and some that need replacing.

An email has been received from the DDIBC stating that water is still getting into the building at a site where some bricks need repointing.

Proposed Cllr Rodgers, seconded Cllr Seal and agreed by all to accept a quote for £1000 from  MJM Brickworks to undertake this emergency work to stop water entering the building.

There is some work required to the gully in the roof – this will be looked at in the Autumn or beforehand if an issue occurs before then.


b) To receive an update regarding the Lincoln Tennis Academy hire fees and take any necessary action

The Clerk will send a financial statement to the Lincoln Tennis Academy for the outstanding monies.

The Lincoln Tennis Academy decided not to take the Council up on the hire of the sports units on a regular basis.

They agreed to the charges of the Wi-Fi, however, they require a booster as the signal does not reach the dome.  Proposed Cllr Seal, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to purchase a wifi extender.


c) To receive a letter from Dunholme Village Hall regarding lease fees and take any necessary action

Proposed Cllr Newton, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agree by all to reply to the Dunholme Hall as follows:-

- A peppercorn rent will not be agreed to, the conditions set out within the lease still stand.

- It will be reiterated that the money received is earmarked for the improvement of the building and surrounding area.

- The Council are willing to look at a better way of paying the utilities.


d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the work undertaken and outstanding account with Airco

Proposed Cllr Pache, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to arrange a meeting at Airco or on site to discuss the way forward.




To discuss and submit and comments regarding the following planning application:-

None to make comment




a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the use of Parish Council emails and the launch of the new website

Cllr Seal will assist the Clerk and Councillors with website and log in details asap, particularly the website to ensure it meets all transparency legislation.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the annual Christmas event

No further action is required.



Village Maintenance

a) To receive an update regarding the painting of the village planters

Due to adverse weather conditions, it has been decided to postpone the planter painting until the weather is better.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village.

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keetley, seconded Cllr Rodgers and agreed by all to undertake the following actions:-

  • Manor Farm Pond – Cllr Rodgers will take down the tape and poles around the pond.
  • The hedge on the corner of Ryland Road is still causing an obstruction – the Clerk advised people to report the issue to Lincolnshire County Council.
  • The Clerk will make a note in the Dunholme News regarding hedge cutting an enforcement.




Meeting closed:  21:31