1. To elect a Chairman of the Parish Council and sign the declaration of acceptance
2. To elect a Vice Chairman of the Parish Council and sign the declaration of acceptance
3. Chairman’s remarks
4. To receive and decide upon applications for co option onto the Parish Council
5. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
6. Disclosure of pecuniary interests
7. Notes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd April 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes
8. To elect representatives to the following working groups:-
- Human Resources
- Dunholme District Indoor Bowls Club
- Village Hall
- Old School Hall
- Village Maintenance
- Christmas event working group
- Neighbourhood Plan review group
- Play areas
9. Accounts and Finance
a. To receive an update regarding sponsorship of the village planters.
b. To receive and approve the quote for the Parish Council annual insurance inline with the Long Term Agreement in place.
c. To approve payment of Monthly PAYE Tax and NI via direct debit
d. To approve the payment of accounts – (All)
10. Parish Council Buildings and Asset
a. To receive an update on the proposed new play area on Honeyholes Lane / Cyden Homes development.
b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the upgrade of the wifi connection in the village hall.
c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding bus availability within the village
11. Village Maintenance
a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village.
b. To receive and decide upon a quote to undertake work to the overgrown hedge on Lady Elizabeth Court / Scothern Lane.
c. To discuss looking into wildflower areas within the village and undertaking edging of pathways around the village.
12. To agree to close the meeting to press and public to discuss contracts.
13. To receive and decide upon quotes for the annual village maintenance and grass cutting contracts.
Signed: L. Richardson
Laura Richardson
Clerk to the Council
16th May 2023