To Dunholme Parish Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Dunholme Parish Council which will be held on Monday 13th June 2022 at 7:30pm in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.
At the start of the meeting there will be a 15-minute public forum, where residents can ask questions or give statements to the Council.
1. Chairman’s remarks
2. To receive and decide upon applications for co option onto the Parish Council
3. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
4. Disclosure of pecuniary interests
5. Notes of the annual council meeting held on 3rd May 2022 to be approved and signed as minutes
6. Correspondence (for information only): -
7. Administration
a. To approve the Risk Assessment following review of the policy.
b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2022 Christmas Event.
c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Parish Council websites and archiving 2 addresses no longer needed.
8. Accounts and Finance
a. To receive the current financial position.
b. To approve and sign the Annual Governance Statements for the year ended 31st March 2022, prior to submission to the external auditor.
c. To approve and sign the Annual Accounting Statements for the year ended 31st March 2022, prior to submission to the external auditor.
d. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a card reader for future Parish Council events
e. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the supplier of the village hall area wi fi
f. To approve the payment of accounts
Supplier |
Details |
Gross |
Vat |
Net |
18/06/2022 |
EE |
Braodband |
40.33 |
6.72 |
33.61 |
25/06/2022 |
Bank Charges |
16.00 |
0.00 |
16.00 |
28/06/2022 |
TalkTalk Business |
Telephone/Broadband |
31.74 |
5.29 |
26.45 |
29/06/2022 |
Noticeboard Company Ltd |
Whats On Noticeboard |
1020.00 |
170.00 |
850.00 |
29/06/2022 |
Lincolnshire County Council |
Speed Sign Post Installation |
600.00 |
0.00 |
600.00 |
29/06/2022 |
Home & Garden Imporvements |
Play area Painting |
603.88 |
0.00 |
603.88 |
9. Parish Council Buildings and Asset
a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the development of the Village Hall complex.
b. To discuss and take relevant action to make the Council more sustainable and climate friendly including the potential addition of solar panels to the Village Hall and Indoor Bowls complex
c. To receive an update regarding the purchase a flagpole for the village
10. Planning: -
a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review (TP/NR/CP)
b. To receive an email requesting support for a brown tourism sign to Skylark Homes and Monks Wood and take any necessary action.
c. To receive an update regarding an Emergency Plan / Contacts Pack (CS/KP)
11. Village Maintenance
a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village.
b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an email from a resident regarding buses in the village
c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an email from a resident regarding maintenance required to village roads.
d. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the damage to the football goal posts, and use of the field by the football clubs.
e. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a duck house for the Honeyholes Lane water way and “duck crossing” signs for various locations in the village.
d. To receive and decide upon quotes for the 2022-23 grass cutting and village maintenance contracts
12. To agree the date of the next meeting
To Dunholme Parish Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a special meeting of Dunholme Parish Council which will be held on Wednesday 29th June 2022 at 7:30pm in the Jubilee Room of the Village Hall.
At the start of the meeting there will be a 15-minute public forum, where residents can ask questions or give statements to the Council.
1. To approve and sign the Annual Governance Statements for the year ended 31st March 2022, prior to submission to the external auditor.
2. To approve and sign the Annual Accounting Statements for the year ended 31st March 2022, prior to submission to the external auditor.
3. To approve accounts for payment