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2023 September



  1. Chairman’s remarks
  2. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
  1. Disclosure of pecuniary interests
  1. Notes of the Council Meeting held on 7th August 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes
  2. Accounts and Finance
  3. To approve the payment of accounts – (All)


Mrs B Edwards                    Litter Picker Salary                              265.72

Mrs L Richardson                 Clerks Salary and expenses                 835.09


  1. Planning

To discuss and submit comments on the following planning applications received:-

146619 - Honeywood Barn Honeyholes Lane - Planning application for head office redevelopment including infill extension, new workshop facility and site redevelopment

  1. Parish Council Building and Assets
    1. To receive an update on the proposed new play area on Honeyholes Lane / Cyden Homes development.
    2. To receive an update for a request for new village hall entrance doors.
    3. To receive an update regarding the purchase of a new boiler for the village hall
  2. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Christmas event, including the live advent calendar and the Christmas Market.
  3. Village Maintenance
  4. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village
  5. To receive and decide upon quotes to install 6 new benches
  6. To receive a request for additional maintenance for the shrubbery in Kennington Close Play Area
  7. To discuss and agree on the 2024-25 grass cutting and village maintenance contracts to send out for tender.


Signed:  L. Richardson                       

Laura Richardson                               

Clerk to the Council                           

29th August 2023