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2023 March


  1. Chairman’s remarks (TP)
  2. To receive apologies and reasons for absence (All)
  3. To receive applications for co option onto the Parish Council
  4. Disclosure of pecuniary interests (All)
  5. Notes of the council meeting held on 6th February 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes (All)
  6. Administration
    1. To receive an update regarding the Parish Council website
    2. To review the policies and procedures list held for the Parish Council
    3. To receive an email regarding a Deed of Easement for a residents property
  1. Accounts and Finance
    1. To receive the current financial position (All)
    2. To consider subscribing to LALCs Annual Training Scheme at a cost of £140.
    3. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding sponsorship of the village planters.
    4. To approve the payment of accounts – (All)

Payee                                   Details                                                 Gross                    VAT                              Net

Mrs L Richardson                 Clerks salary and expenses                 746.71                  0.00                              746.71

Mrs B Edwards                    Litter Picker Salary                                247.00                  0.00                              247.00

LALC                                     2023-24 Annual Subscription             459.51                  0.00                              459.51

EE                                         Broadband/Telephone Fees                  49.20                    8.20                              41.00

LAB Plannning                      Neighbourhood Plan Review            1200.00                   0.00                            1200.00

KAO Maintenance               Play area maintenance                        2766.88                   0.00                            2766.88


  1. Parish Council Buildings and Asset
    1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the takeover of the village hall, including the Village Hall Management Structure
    2. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the village hall windows
    3. To receive an update regarding the installation of play area equipment at the Cyden Homes development, including acquiring funding the area.
    4. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the fencing around Kennington Close play area.
    5. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a spare battery for the speed awareness signs.
    6. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Indoor and Outdoor bowls club: - Fire Alarm assessment
  1. Events
    1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Annual Parish Meeting
    2. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding celebrations for the Kings Coronation

     10. Planning: -

    1. To discuss and submit any comments regarding applications received: -
    2. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review (TP/NR/CP)

     11. Village Maintenance

    1. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village.
    2. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding safety concerns at Scothern Lane / A46 junction.
    3. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the removal of 2 large trees on the Chesnut Homes development.
    4. To receive and decide upon quotes for the annual village maintenance and grass cutting contracts.


     12. To agree the date of the next meeting


Signed:  L. Richardson                       

Laura Richardson                               

Clerk to the Council                           

27th February 2023