- Chairman’s remarks (TP)
- To receive apologies and reasons for absence (All)
- To receive applications for co option onto the Parish Council
- Disclosure of pecuniary interests (All)
- Notes of the council meeting held on 6th February 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes (All)
- Administration
- To receive an update regarding the Parish Council website
- To review the policies and procedures list held for the Parish Council
- To receive an email regarding a Deed of Easement for a residents property
- Accounts and Finance
- To receive the current financial position (All)
- To consider subscribing to LALCs Annual Training Scheme at a cost of £140.
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding sponsorship of the village planters.
- To approve the payment of accounts – (All)
Payee Details Gross VAT Net
Mrs L Richardson Clerks salary and expenses 746.71 0.00 746.71
Mrs B Edwards Litter Picker Salary 247.00 0.00 247.00
LALC 2023-24 Annual Subscription 459.51 0.00 459.51
EE Broadband/Telephone Fees 49.20 8.20 41.00
LAB Plannning Neighbourhood Plan Review 1200.00 0.00 1200.00
KAO Maintenance Play area maintenance 2766.88 0.00 2766.88
- Parish Council Buildings and Asset
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the takeover of the village hall, including the Village Hall Management Structure
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the village hall windows
- To receive an update regarding the installation of play area equipment at the Cyden Homes development, including acquiring funding the area.
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the fencing around Kennington Close play area.
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a spare battery for the speed awareness signs.
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Indoor and Outdoor bowls club: - Fire Alarm assessment
- Events
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Annual Parish Meeting
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding celebrations for the Kings Coronation
10. Planning: -
- To discuss and submit any comments regarding applications received: -
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Review (TP/NR/CP)
11. Village Maintenance
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village.
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding safety concerns at Scothern Lane / A46 junction.
- To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the removal of 2 large trees on the Chesnut Homes development.
- To receive and decide upon quotes for the annual village maintenance and grass cutting contracts.
12. To agree the date of the next meeting
Signed: L. Richardson
Laura Richardson
Clerk to the Council
27th February 2023