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2023 June


1. Chairman’s remarks

2. To receive apologies and reasons for absence

3. Disclosure of pecuniary interests

4. Notes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 22nd May 2023 to be approved and signed as minutes

5. To elect representatives to the following working groups:-

  • Village Maintenance
  • Planning

6. Accounts and Finance

a. To approve payment of £60 for Cllr Mrs Forrester to attend the Play Area Inspection training session.

b. To approve payment of the Chairmans Allowance for 2023-24

c. To approve the payment of accounts – (All)

7. Parish Council Buildings and Asset

a. To receive an update on the proposed new play area on Honeyholes Lane / Cyden Homes development.

b. To receive and decide upon quotes for the annual play area inspection

8. Planning

a. To make comments of planning applications received:-

  • 146558 – The Old School Hall, 8 Market Rasen Road - Planning application for single storey rear extension.
  • b. To discuss and submit any comments regarding Scothern Neighbourhood Plan review

9. Village Maintenance

a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance needed around the village.

b. To receive an update on the village maintenance resident requests from last meeting

c. To receive and decide upon quotes to undertake various tree maintenance around the village


Signed:  L. Richardson                       

Laura Richardson                               

Clerk to the Council                           

30th May 2023